Monday, August 1, 2011

Zija International Business

My primary business has everything that you should look for in a network marketing business. So what are the things you should look for before deciding on a network marketing company to work with?
The key points you should consider when joining a network marketing company (in no particular order):

Is the company stable with a good management team? My company is debt-free and the president is a legend in the network marketing industry and has a top-notch management team.

Does the managment team have a proven track record of success?  Two of the network marketing companies that the president of the company I represent started in the 70's and 80's are still in business today! This alone should tell you the potential of this opportunity and the stability of the company. If you choose the wrong company, you could work hard for several years and then the company go bankrupt, leaving you with nothing to show for your hard work. And yes, this does happen.

Does the company offer consumable products? And the importance of autoshipped products. Why would anyone want to work their behinds off to sell a one-off product? If the product is consumable, once it's used up, you have to order more - (ahhh - repeat customers). And even better, so you don't have to take additional orders for the product after the initial order, there's this little thing called autoship. When you sign someone up for autoship, it's like taking pre-orders for as long as the customer/distributor remains on it with no additional work. And you get credit for the sale each month. All of my company's products are consumable and if you want to be a distributor or get the best price on the product you have to be on autoship!

What is reach of the product? Did you know that 64% of Americans over the age of 20 are overweight? 60% of Canadians and Mexicans are overweight. Did you know that people spend over $500 billion on the health and wellness industry each year? Did you know that over $200 billion is spent in the beauty and healthcare industry each year? Did you know that in the diet and weight loss industry over $80 billion is spent annually? The energy beverage industry is a $10 billion per year industry. That's a total opportunity of over $790 billion per year and growing! My company's products target every one of these market segments! That's why my company is billed as the next Billion Dollar Company. Sales projections for my company are $1 billion within five years and $5 billion within ten years!
Who do you know that would be interested in:
  • Losing Weight
  • Having More Energy
That has issues with:
  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Joint Pain
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Sleep Apnea                                                                                                      Allergies
The products from my company can help with all this and more!
Would You like to earn more money if You Could!

Are There Systems For Duplication? In other words, can the average person make money with this? Making money with my company's products can be as easy as using the products yourself, and then sharing your results with everyone else. The products are phenomenal.
What kind of experience have distributors (other than your sponsor) had with the company? We can put you in touch with our company's distributors, from the top producer in the company to the last one enrolled in our team. Don't take our word for it, talk with those that have been with the company for a long time or not so long.
Is Training Available? My company offers traditional network marketing training tactics as well as new-age internet marketing methods. When you become a member of our team you will gain access to the team training site where we offer both old-school and new-school training resources for the team.

1. In network marketing, your chances of success are better. In network marketing, you will find that 80 percent of the money is made by 20 percent of the people. In most charitable organizations you will find that 80 percent of the work is done by 20 percent of the organization members. I'm not surprised that it is just about the same as network marketing. People are people, people who are not successful in network marketing are not motivated, some pick the wrong company for them, some just are not cut out for being self-employed and some aren't properly trained. But a person that picks a good company and obtain the proper training and are motivated stand a good chance of succeeding in network marketing.
If you choose to start a traditional business, your chances for success are alot lower. The SBA states that in the first year, 50 percent of small businesses fail, and within the initial five years over 95 percent fail. That's a 5 percent chance to succeed in a traditional small business.
2. A network marketing business startup cost is much less. With traditional business ownership, the operating costs include rent, inventory, insurance, taxes, utilities, advertising and much more. Most network marketing companies require a minimum monthly order to keep your active distributor status. It can be as much as $100 or more, but it must be considered as part of the operating costs of the business.
The point is, you don't have to go into debt or have to be rich to start your own home-based network marketing company. With this type of business, everyone has a fair chance of being a success without having to have a stellar credit history or a mom or dad that is rich.
3. It is simpler to run a network marketing business. With a network marketing company, the company you are with handles the majority of the paperwork. You are free to spend your time making money. You simply need to keep your own records for income tax purposes. With a traditional business you may require a secretary and an accountant to keep up with your receipts, paperwork, bookkeeping and such. If you didn't have a secretary and accountant, you would have to spend your time keeping up with the red-tape yourself leaving a lot less time to actually making money.
4. Promotion and marketing is easier for a network marketing business. When it comes to advertising and marketing, people who own their own "traditional" businesses are on their own. To find out what works, they will try a little bit of everything only to be taken by slick salesmen promising awesome results with expensive advertising schemes. All good network marketing companies offer proven marketing systems that have been used by many people and properly tested.
5. With network marketing, you get business training that you need for success.With MLM you don't have to know anything about business to be successful. All of the research and work have been done by your company. Your company wants you to succeed so they develop the best training programs and hire top-notch marketers to ensure your success. You have to locate your own training in traditional business.
6. Get tax breaks with a home-based network marketing business. With a home-based network marketing business there are many deductions you can take to help reduce your income taxes. With traditional businesses, not so much.                       

Now that you know the advantages of having a network marketing business and you understand the things that you should consider when choosing a company, I would like to share my company information with you.

The Zija International compensation plan:

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